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There are differences when obtaining a certification within a specialized program. When obtaining a certificate, a person is usually exposed to new information, in an educational environment. The course content is determined by the specific institution and isn't standardized. The certificate shows that the person attended training and has knowledge of that specific course of instruction.

Nine out of ten people will need training to get a case as a Legal Nurse Consultant. One out of ten will get the case on their own but will not get a repeat case from the same client. The one will then need additional training.

When obtaining certification, nurses will have professional experience in the areas of instruction provided. An assessment of the nurse's skills, knowledge and competency is required for the certification (usually through a comprehensive examination), and the assessment is usually completed by a third party organization who is involved in setting and maintaining standards in the particular industry or profession. The certification process has requirements concerning on-going education and training to be performed for the person to stay current in his or her profession. The certification also usually provides the opportunity to use the certification credentials after your name.


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